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Definition of Loss Aversion


 Definition of Loss Aversion

 Loss aversion refers to the psychological tendency where people especially dislike experiencing losses and may forgo larger gains to avoid small losses. It's akin to the logic of "feeling more upset about losing one of my favorite socks than buying a new pair."

Examples of Loss Aversion

 For instance, when buying stocks, the thought 'I hope this stock goes up' is often overshadowed by 'I hope I don't lose my money.' It's like stubbornly insisting on eating a burnt cookie because "it must be eaten" at all costs.

Another example is the tendency to stick with the status quo rather than taking a risk for a minor gain, similar to holding onto old, comfortable shoes instead of getting new ones.

Lessons from Loss Aversion

 The lesson from loss aversion is that sometimes taking risks can lead to greater benefits in the long run. Of course, this doesn't mean you should recklessly go fishing for the remote under the sofa and bump your head.

In everyday life, it’s important to sometimes accept minor losses for new experiences, like remembering that buying new socks might be better than constantly fixing old ones.

Conclusion on Loss Aversion

 Loss aversion significantly influences our decisions. However, it's important to remember that 'accepting small losses for new experiences can be better than clinging to the old.' After all, life is about balancing losses and gains.


Loss aversion plays an important role in our lives, but sometimes it's necessary to have the courage to embrace new challenges and accept losses. Just like walking a little further for a good cup of coffee.





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