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Definition of a Closed Society


 Definition of a Closed Society

 A closed society is one where an individual's role and function can theoretically never change, similar to how leftovers from yesterday's lunch are consumed again. It's a place where resistance to change and development is strong, with individuals destined to live their lives in the state they were born into.

Examples of Closed Societies

 The traditional Hindu caste system is a prime example of a closed society. Here, people's life roles are determined by the caste they are born into, akin to being predestined for a particular occupation from birth. This society strictly segregates social classes, much like the Harijan caste, where even their shadow was avoided.

Lessons from Closed Societies

 One key lesson from closed societies is the importance of embracing change and novelty. It's like clinging to 'past glories' and not trying new things. Openness and flexibility are keys to growth and development.

Conclusion on Closed Societies

 Closed societies ultimately miss opportunities for development due to their resistance to change and newness, comparable to eating only pizza for life because it's good. Embracing change and welcoming new opportunities is essential. Closed societies teach us the importance of flexibility, openness, and the acceptance of change, like walking a bit further for a good cup of coffee, necessary for real progress.

Closed societies help us understand the value of societal flexibility and openness, and the importance of embracing change for a better future.



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